TAS Major Projects 2024

3-4 September 2024
Wrest Point Conference Centre
Hobart, TAS, Australia


Building Tasmania’s Economy for Future Generations

The 4th Tasmanian Major Projects Conference returns on 3rd and 4th September 2024 at the Wrest Point Conference Centre, Hobart under the theme “Building Tasmania’s Economy for Future Generations”.

As Tasmania continues to experience economic growth supported by increases in domestic and international tourism and overseas migration, the importance of sustainable and strategic infrastructure investment cannot be overstated. With more than $27 billion estimated investment in infrastructure over the next few years, the conference provides a platform to discuss major infrastructure projects that will shape the future of Tasmania.

The 2-day conference returns with exclusive stakeholder presentations and 6+ hours of networking sessions. Contractors, consultants, developers, builders, suppliers, government agencies, planners, infrastructure authorities, book now and contribute to Tasmania’s exciting growth period.

Building Tasmania’s Economy for Future Generations

Featured Speakers

The Hon. Michael Ferguson
The Hon. Michael Ferguson

Deputy Premier, Treasurer Minister for Infrastructure

Ben Goodsir
Ben Goodsir

Chief Executive Officer Infrastructure Tasmania

Tony Willmott
Tony Willmott

General Manager - Project Delivery TasWater

Anne Beach
Anne Beach

Chief Executive Officer Macquarie Point Development Corporation

Nathan Calman
Nathan Calman

Chief Executive Officer Tas Farmers

Ben Moloney
Ben Moloney

Project Director, New Bridgewater Department of State Growth (TAS)

Anne Greentree
Anne Greentree

Director, Visitor Economy Strategy & Research Tourism Tasmania

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Topics Overview







The 4th TAS Major Projects Conference will feature presentations by leading industry experts on latest trends & projects. The event will cover a variety of topics such as:


  • Energising Tasmania - Advancing Tasmania's Renewable Energy Projects
  • Bryn Estyn Water Treatment Plant Upgrade
  • Tasmania Housing Strategy - Building Homes for all Tasmanian’s
  • Tourism as a Catalyst for Economic Growth for Tasmania
  • Women in Infrastructure – Encouraging Women in Construction
  • Northern Tasmania – Making Bell Bay a Sustainable Future Economy
  • The Urban Renewal Project - Macquarie Point Precinct
  • Derwent Valley Bridge Projects
  • Midland Highway 10 Year Action Plan – Latest update
  • Challenges in the Infrastructure, Building & Construction Sector

Who Should Attend


The TAS Major Projects Conference attracts over 150 delegates every year involved in delivery of major infrastructure projects. Expect to meet with the Who's Who of the industry at this unique event.

  Federal, Territory & Local Government Departments
& Agencies


Road, Rail &
Port Authorities

Environmental, Engineering,
& Project Management Consultants

Project Planners
& Developers

Urban & Rural

Banking, Finance
& Law

Architects &





Optimise your Conference Experience

5 Reasons You Can’t Miss the 4th Tasmanian Major Projects Conference

what will be the next major infrastructure projects for TAS

first-hand insights on the State’s focus towards delivering better infrastructure

the challenges facing the TAS Government and how it plans to meet public infrastructure requirements with an ever-expanding population

how the industry is meeting financing projects in transport, roads, education, health and community services

with senior executives from government and business

What Our Attendees Have To Say


Good conference, with diverse range of sponsors. Had some promising enquiries, more so than last year. But you can’t cater for everyone. Good Job Everyone.

Leo Hiley


This was a very well organised event, with regular information and updates provided to exhibitors in the lead up to the event. I will definitely be looking to have an exhibitor stand at future events.

Taryn Webb
Northern Cement Limited

Register Today!

3-4 September 2024

Wrest Point Conference Centre
Hobart, TAS, Australia

Event Updates

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